HomeToolsJeff's Productivity Tools - La Boite à outil !

Jeff’s Productivity Tools – La Boite à outil !

Satya nadella mentionned that its by giving users the great tool that they are empowered.

What are the set of tools that anybody could have to achieve this ?

I share below my toolbox as a Office 365 / SharePoint Consultant / developer ! Some tools are only for developer but most of it could be used by any employee.

I shared some screenshots of One Note, which is for me my principle key tool.

Feel free to share your tools list.

My list:

  1. One Note (Take note, research for notes, access knowledge and procedure)
  2. Gif Recorder : licecap (i’ve tried some before, this is the most efficient)
  3. PicPick (Screenshot a zone of the screen to clipboard)
  4. Keepass (Save Password and user name and quickly access it)
  5. Document collaboration : One Drive for business plugged on SharePoint 2013 (share the same version of the document and collaborate on it with colleagues)
  6. Franz / Slack (Franz : to access whatsapp, facebook messenger)
  7. Evernote (Take personal note)
  8. Wunderlist (Todo list for professional matter) – SWITCHED TO PLANNER
  9. Todoist (Todo list for personal matter)
  10. Spotify (Productivity software to play music :D)
  11. Visual Studio Code and notepad++ (IDE and text editor)
  12. Chrome Plugins :
    1. Todoist
    2. Buffer
    3. PostMan
    4. ColorPick Eyedropper (pick the color code from a page, for css)
  13. Keep up with technology , La “Veille” + Learn new things :
    1. Twitter (Search for a technology, example TypeScript)
    2. Feedly (gather multiple sources)
    3. Pocket (save article for later)

See some screenshots by reading more

Why One Note ?

One note, take note of everything, access knowledge captured in few seconds.

On a daily basis, whenever I learn something new that is technically challenging to remember (lot of steps to follow), I use One Note.

The one notes are shared in my personal One Drive so it is safely backup since 6 years now. Time to time I access it from my mobile.

One note as a task list

For task that do not require dates etc, example for a project you work on everyday, I Use One Note to create a task list (Shortcut CTRL + 1, repeat the shotcute to mark as done)

Easily copy paste or write content

Create notebooks and chapters, for each main topics. Easily copy paste from any source by keeping the formatting.

Paste images and research into it

SharePoint – Share documents to colleagues and collaborate

Are you tired of sending over a document, versioning it yourself with v0.1, v0.2 etc ?

I save the document in our intranet

Then share the link to the colleagues

Future updates are hosted in SharePoint instead of email attachments.

Feel free to share your tools list.

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